A group of eleven locals travelled to Woolgoolga and Moonee Beach from Grafton
today on our monthly bus trip. We finished the day with a tally of 102
species, although we were after quality, not quantity. The pick of the day was
a flock of 30+ Swift Parrots in Forest Red Gums and ironbarks at Moonee Beach
Reserve. They were actively foraging in amongst the buds and leaves and as
there didn't appear to be much actual blossom lerps were probably their target.
There were also Rainbow, Scaly-breasted and Musk Lorikeets present as well as
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos and two Forest Ravens.
Other highlights were 58 Magpie Geese and 500+ Plumed Whistling-Ducks at a
poultry farm NNE of Coutts Crossing, a male Osprey displaying high overhead as
a female flew low over the Woolgoolga Headland, and 9 Comb-crested Jacanas near
Coutts Crossing.
The Humpback Whales eluded us but two Bottlenose Dolphins were seen as three
Brahminy Kites circled low over the Woolgoolga Headland calling. One was a
sub-adult and it appeared that it was being given its marching orders by the
two adults.
Greg Clancy
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