Hi Everyone,
It does appear that the good seasonal conditions on the NSW Central Coast,
together with the extensive flowering of Swamp Mahogany, Spotted Gum and
Forest Red Gum, and the lack of flowering of eucalypts in the Box Woodlands
of the NSW South West Slopes, has bought both Swift Parrots and Regent
Honeyeaters to our Region.
Recent Swift Parrot sightings include 10 at Galgabba Reserve, South Swansea
7/5/07, 4 Yulong St Bateau Bay 9/5/07, 24 Larkin St Bateau Bay (between
Patmore & Point Sts) 13/5/07 and 6 at Murray St Bteau Bay 13/5/07.
Regent Honeyeaters have been seen at Galgabba Res, South Swansea 1 on 8/5 &
6 in the Morisset Hospital Reserve 12/5/07.
Observers include Peter Settle, Alan Richardson, Gary Deering & Alan & Anne
Birders living on the Central Coast should check their local SwampMahogany &
Spotted Gum patches to see if there are any more of these target species
present. It is fitting that the National Autumn Count for these species will
be on next weekend 19-20 May 2007.
Alan Morris
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