I was in Darwin in January and was shocked
to see the state of the Rufous Owl nesting tree. The Botanic Gardens in
their wisdom have declared it a hazard (due to termite infestation i
think) and trimmed all the branches right back, including the one I
thought was the owls rather favourite low horizontal roosting branch,
which made them so easy to see. There was barely a leaf on the tree,
and not much around it, there seemed to have been some clearing of
smaller trees and planting of palms. I couldn't locate the owls where I
have seen them before, but i believe someone saw them in the rainforest
area of the gardens (which is where they go in the non breeding season
anyway i think). i don't know if the tree will recover in time for this
breeding season. It would be good to know what happens with their
breeding this year. Don't know if the Gardens are planning to monitor
it. Clearly Darwin people would know more about the discussions /
planning whatever around these decisions.
I have some photos of the tree if anyone wants a shock, i can email
them. Don't recommend it however. Just don't get your hopes up for owls
at the nesting tree.
South of Sydney, NSW
Andrew Taylor wrote:
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 11:00:26PM +1100, Frank Cassar wrote:
I'm off to NT (Darwin, Kakadu, Pine Creek) in a week's time ...
The NT birds list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ntbirds/ is probably
the best place for up to date info, e.g. where exactly to look for the
Rufous Owls in the Botanic Gardens. You'll also want to check on road
conditions at the KNP website - most roads in Kakadu are closed at
present so even with 4wd you couldn't get to Gunlom.
The Nourlangie Rock road rarely floods so 2WD will get to you a site
with escarpment specialties - except WT Grass-wren - and many other birds.
And Kakadu is wonderful in the wet.
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