Does it ever rain in Australia?
Seriously, I would presume that the bird will sit on the nest while it rains
so that the eggs or young are protected and so the water will be diverted
outside the next.
Tim Murphy
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Graham Turner
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2007 11:04 AM
To: Baus
Subject: Pee Wee nests
G'day Birders, my non-birding wife asked me a bird related question that I
just couldn't answer, so I need the help from the collective birding aus
brains to answer it.
Here it is, if peewee nests are made of mud, why don't they just wash away
when it rains? Sounds to me like a really logical question to ask, but I
can't ever remember hearing anything on why this is the case. Do they have
special saliva that makes it waterproof? Do they stand over the nest and
shield it with those disproportionately large wings that they have? I just
don't know.
And while we are at it, is it just me, or are peewee nests the same colour
wherever you go, seemingly independent of the local soil colour.
Just some questions for Thursday, as the list always seems at bit dull on
Graham Turner
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