
Birds on holiday ?

To: "Birding-aus" <>
Subject: Birds on holiday ?
From: "Robyn" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:56:21 +1000
Until recent times, the Little Wattlebirds ruled the roost in my yard.   
However, so many trees have disappeared and so many units have been built that 
habitat has decreased greatly and the Noisy Miners have joined forces and 
ganged up and taken over my yard in Maroochydore SEQ.

The Little Wattlebirds did not breed early in the season this year as they 
usually do.   There has always been a group of at least five birds, but varying 

I suddenly realised that I had not heard one call since coming home from 
holidays back in November, and did not see the birds either.   After not seeing 
or hearing them, suddenly, at Christmas, one bird turned up.   Next day there 
were three birds, and the following day there were six birds or more.   They 
have stayed ever since.   I frankly do not know where all the birds are finding 
enough to eat.   They were gone for around six to eight weeks, and did not have 
a young one with them on return.

I take it they did not take a holiday, but wonder if they looked for a new site 
and failed to find anywhere more satisfactory.   I am pretty sure they are the 
same birds which had lived here previously.

The pair of crows also disappeared for two weeks  in early spring, and I think 
it was the same pair which returned.   They did then raise one young.

Meantime, we have lost all the Pied Butcherbirds, the Black-faced 
Cuckoo-shrikes, and several other species.

One huge Melaleuca quinquenervia being knocked down seemed to be the final 
straw.   It had been a magnificent tree and a magnificent resource.   The fast 
growing population is certainly destroying a beautiful area.


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