The other option for launching a boat is from the camping/caravan park
at Cape Kimberly - it is a couple of years since I was there but you
could launch a boat across the beach which would give you a relatively
calm crossing to Snapper Island
Although I have not actually been to the island, I tend to agree with
the comment that the mainland would offer better birding - cassowary is
likely on a morning walk out from the caravan park at Cape Kimberly
Ian Cowan
Clifton Beach
Evan Beaver wrote:
Good Morning Listers,
Has anyone done and birding on Snapper Island in FNQ? While on our
holiday we're going to camp on the island overnight and I was
wondering what
to look out for. In particular, what are my chances of seeing
Tropicbirds or
Boobies? I wonder if that will get past the spam filters...
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