I reckon I once observed a wattle bird being a show-off (of precision
acrobatic flying) and exhibiting a sense of humour in a not dissimilar
One day, years ago, I had brought my chooks around to the front yard, then I
still had a lawn before my native trees grew, for some fresh grass. My
rooster, Mucky, (now >10yo veteran) is a Silver Spangled Hamburg X (for
those of you who know your chooks!). A very handsome, gentle, caring and
genteel rooster.
On this occasion a R wattle-bird flew across the front yard and BETWEEN
Mucky's legs. While the poor rooster was trying to come to terms with what
unknown indignity had just befallen him, the wattlebird turned and repeated
the process from the opposite direction, leaving a rather confused, shaken
and disconcerted rooster in its wake.
And an amazed and amused human bystander
I could almost imagine the R W-b having a chuckle in a nearby bush.
...... OK maybe I'm being a bit too anthropomorphic!?
or maybe sometimes a bird just wants to have fun!
wendy moore