
The Birds are Coming

To: "'Roger Giller'" <>, Birding-Aus <>
Subject: The Birds are Coming
From: "Whittaker, Mark" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 20:25:39 +1000
Re the viewing platform at Quibray bay/Towra Point (on botany bay, sydney,
near Kurnell), does anyone have information on when this viewing platform at
might be open, whether it's open to the general public and, as Roger
mentions, where it is?

Mark Whittaker

-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Roger Giller
Sent: Saturday, 2 September 2006 2:46
To: Birding-Aus
Subject: The Birds are Coming

The following article appeared in last Thursday's edition of the St George
and Sutherland Shire Leader. They don't publish online so I scanned it.

It sounds like a great idea. I am just wondering why, in an article
containing so many details of the background, funding etc., did they not
bother to tell us how to find this platform. I'm sure the sponsors who
funded it would like visitors to be able to find it.

I have contacted the Leader by email and asked if they could publish an
addendum/clarification in a future issue.

Roger Giller.



By Amanda Carlin


Migratory birds will soon arrive on the NSW coastline for their ver-sion of
spring break.

Towra Point, near Kurnell, is one popular site and thanks to a new viewing
platform overlooking it and Quibray Bay, the birds will be able to breed

 The Quibray Bay viewing platform is the first in a series of decks to give
students and other visitors a chance to learn about the significance of
Towra Point Nature Reserve without disturb-ing its flora and fauna.

National Parks and Wildlife Service area manager Christine Hopkins said it
was important to protect the area from human disturbance and weed invasion.

She said the platform gave visitors an environmentally sensitive access
point complete with educational signage.

It also closed illegal access for people dumping rubbish or walking their

"It's great for waders because we do have at least a chance of them being
undisturbed," Ms Hopkins said.

"They need these mudflats and they've been largely excluded from the rest of
Botany Bay. That's why it's particularly important for people not to be
walking their dogs along here or horses."

The Botany Bay Busy Bees removed weeds and regenerated the bush, collecting
cuttings and seeds from indigenous plants for propa-gation.

The platform cost almost $55,000 and was funded by Caltex Australia Pty Ltd,
P&O Ports, artist Robyn Collier, the Department of Environ-ment and
Conservation and the Foun-dation for National Parks and Wildlife.

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