I had thoroughly enjoyable day yesterday driving the back roads just to
the north of Canberra. Considering it is winter and there isn't much
happening in Canberra at the moment birdwise there was quite a bit to see
across the border.
Highlights, with some standouts (total for day in brackets):
Emu (2) - captive?, on property along Marked Tree Rd.
Brown Quail (1+) - Wet Lagoon NR.
Musk Duck (3)
Australasian Shoveler (8)
Australian Shelduck (4)
Yellow-billed Spoonbill (1) - first record for Canberra region for 2006?
Unusual in winter?
Brown Falcon (3)
Black-fronted Dotterel (4)
Brown Treecreeper (3)
Yellow-rumped Thornbill (93+)
Southern Whiteface (3)
White-fronted Chat (16) - single flock along Wollogorang Rd
Jacky Winter (2)
Hooded Robin (1)
Scarlet Robin (3)
Flame Robin (20) - inc. 1male roadkill.
Eastern Shrike-tit (5) - family? group of 5 birds inc. 2 males, 2 females
and 1 begging (female) juvenile.
Little Raven (430+)
Diamond Firetail (7)
Almost no honeyeater activity apart from White-plumeds and Wattlebirds.
Some E. cinerea in flower.
Marnix Zwankhuizen
Gungahlin ACT
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