Started the day with another dawn bird walk around the hills behind the
resort (mainly native forest - Banksias) and ticked off -
Willy wagtail
Figbird - F
White Cheeked Honeyeaters
Lewins Honeyeaters
Scarlet Honeyeaters
Rainbow Lorikeets
Noisy Friarbird
Eastern Yellow Robin
Red browed finch
Grey Fantail
Rufus Fantail
Rufus Whistler - F
Grey Shrike Thrush
Bar Shouldered Dove
White Throated Honeyeaters
Little Shrike Thrush
Welcome Swallow
Eastern Whipbird - Heard
Pacific Black Duck
Whistling Kite
Brahminy Kite
Golden Whistler
Sulpher Crested Cockatoo
After a quick morning tea it was back into more hikes, this time along the
top of sand dunes behind the resort (covered in Banksia and Satinay trees)
and along the firebreak, this time ticking off -
Rufus Whistler - M
Black-Faced Cuckoo Shrike
Brown Thornbill
Dusky Honeyeater
Spangled Drongos
Varied Triller
Rainbow Bee-eaters
Buff Banded Rail
Sacred Kingfisher
Fantail Cuckoo
Back along the beach we found - Striated Heron, Australian Hobby, Pied
Cormorants, Caspian Terns and an Osprey.
By far the sighting of the day was a single Noisy Pitta!
Surprisingly found next to a small stream just outside the resorts reception
desk and main entrance. Sadly later in the day he flew into a window and
had to be rescued by the rangers who nursed the little guy back to health,
he was released the next day.
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