The female Koel at my place has been hanging around
the back door again lately. She sits on the rail, or the tree just
off the deck, and moves to the post at the top of the stairs so she can watch me
through the screen door. She is just the sweetest bird.
I'm not sure the Grey Butcherbirds agree - she is
still stealing from them. As soon as she moves in their direction,
they now grab their booty and fly off.
The male Koel has also been around sometimes, and
the other day they started calling and carrying on as though it is
October! Hope it was just an aberration or a goodbye before
migration. Last year or the year before, the poor Magpielarks raised
a Koel which left the nest at about this time. If they have produced
an egg now, we will have an over-wintering juvenile.