Hi all,
The mention of Barn Owl roadkills prompted me to
write this note. Every winter a number of Barn Owls are found roadkilled
on north coast New South Wales roads and highways. The past month has
seen an unprecedented number killed on the Pacific Highway. On a trip
north from Grafton to the Byron Bay area 8 separate birds were noted on the one
day. The tally for the period 27 July to 27 August was 28. Ten
Southern Boobooks have also been found as well as two Grass Owls on the one
day. A female Masked Owl was found dead south of Grafton by a Country
Energy employee, Mick, last week and is presently in the NPWS freezer awaiting
transportation to the Australian Museum. Apparently a third Grass Owl was
found dead near Grafton the week before my two.
It has certainly been a big month for owl
roadkills. If people find it hard to identify owl roadkills I had an
identification key published in the journal 'Corella' December 2004,
Vol 28 No. 4 Page 92, which should be of help.