I had a good couple of hours birding in the picnic grounds of Prospect
Reservoir (approx. 40 km west of Sydney CBD) yesterday (2nd July
2005) with the following highlights:
Hoary-headed Grebe (a single tight raft of 50 birds)
Great Crested Grebe (200 birds in total – seen in 3 separate
groups including one raft of around 150 birds)
Plumed Egret
Grey Goshawk (a large sized female flew over the picnic area)
Whistling Kite (10 seen at the same time)
White-bellied Sea-eagle (one adult soaring in a thermal over some
Silver Gulls)
Peregrine Falcon
Coot (4,000 birds present)
Silver Gull (800 forming a carpet of white on the water)
Peaceful Dove
Bar-shouldered Doves
Crested Shrike-tits (a very obliging pair)
Scarlet Honeyeaters (a few birds feeding in the flowering Coral Trees
in with the Little Wattlebirds and New Holland
Chestnut-breasted Mannikins (20 in the reeds
comprising both adult and young birds)
Olive-backed Oriole
Dusky Woodswallows (8 birds in their usual
hang out along the powerlines. A few birds appear to
stay at Prospect all year).
A total of 62 species of birds recorded in about 2 hours
Edwin Vella