Saturday 19-2-05 in company with Greg Clancy at Collettes Swamp east of Ulmarra
( Grafton NSW area)
observed huge flocks( for this area) of strawneck ibis. Estimate between 5 and
10thousand birds. There had
been recent storms and surface water returned to swamps.
1605 hrs Saturday 19-2-05 at Washpens Grafton observed Aust.Hobby flying and
then on three seperate
occasions landed on the bitumen surface of the road within 50 metres of
observers and appeared to be catching
and eating small insects from the bitumen and from the grass adjacent. Longest
period on ground was
approximately five minutes ( not timed). Following each feeding episode it
would take off and fly around and then
return and land at the same position and recommenced picking insects from road.
Underparts very rufus and
possibly young bird.
Channel bill cuckoos still at Levenstrath Sun.20-5-05.
Warren Thompson.
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