Re. Brian's, Syd's and Anthea's comments re.
Rainbow Lorikeets in Casuarinas I have a number of records of Rainbow Lorikeets
feeding on the seeds of the Black She-oak Allocasuarina littoralis at
Coutts Crossing, North Coast New South Wales. Unlike the local Glossy
Black-Cockatoos that crush the 'cones' (which are not really cones!) the
Rainbows delicately remove the winged seeds one by one from the dry
capsules. It is interesting that only the Casuarinas that were
renamed Allocasuarina are the species used by Glossy Black-Cockatoos as
a food source. The ones that retained the Casuarina generic name,
such as River Oak and Swamp Oak are not used by Glossies, although there is
a recent report of Glossies eating River Oak. Alan Morris may be able to
confirm this record.