G'day -
Firstly Happy New Year!
Vicki Powys suggested I get 'Bird song- Biological themes and
variations' - CatchPole and Slater CUP 1995. this is now out of print.
Amazon have a few copies. but before I do amazon has anyone got a copy
that now needs a new home?
If so please email me direct. see end of mesage.
Im also looking for link to some information on blackbirds- not the
superficial stuff you get via google but something a little meatier
- should that be more feathery???
Any one know of research into blackbirds in Oz?
If anyone has links, info, papers etc I would be very grateful for any helps.
Im getting quite interested in them.
Many thanks - be happy and well!
direct reply: ranft at ranft dot id dot au
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