About ten years ago, before most of the willows were removed from the
banks of the Bailey Billabong in Wilson Reserve, Ivanhoe, Vic, I was
watching two pairs of red Rumped parrots having a ding-dong battle with
much screeching and chattering for a nesthollow in a willow stump. The
males took the leading roles with many flying attacks at each other, but
the females displayed and snapped at each other too. What was remarkable
was that the hollow was not more than 18 inches from the water surface.
I doubt if either pair gained possession, because every time the birds
left the stump for more aggressive flying, a Starling rushed in with a
Locally, Red-rumped Parrots are now rather less numerous than they
were. Not only are the parks kept tidy, without weeds such as Capeweeed
and Fennel, but the much bolder Rainbow Lorikeets seem to be in
possession of most of the tree hollows.
Anthea Fleming
Ricki Coughlan wrote:
> Here's one for the good folk of Sutherland Shire:
> Whilst driving southward on Taren Point Road today, I was waiting in
> an ugly line of traffic in front of Fantastic Furniture, opposite
> Endeavour High School. To my utter amazement I noticed a pair of
> Red-rumped Parrots clearing out a hollow which is not more than 3
> metres off the ground in the Sydney Scribbly Gum which is right in
> front of the store! <cut>
> I'm just about to depart from Sydney for some time but would love to
> hear from any locals with updates on the progress of these colourful
> fellows.
> Happy spotting.
- Ricki
> Sans Souci - Sydney
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