Hi birders,
In Narrogin township found the redder-backed inland
race of the Western Rosell & in the Foxes Lair N.P. located Regent
Parrot, Western Yellow Robin, Brown-headed & White-eared Honeyeater &
Varied Sittella.
Dryandra Woodland was dry, with birds scarse but
found Western Yellow Robin, Scarlet Robin, Rufous Treecreeper, Red-capped
Parrot, White-naped Honeyeater, Restless Flycatcher, Golden Whistler &
flushed a Southern Boobook. Whilst at Congelin Dam saw Jacky Winter &
Western Gerygone. However at Yilliminning Rock some 18km to the east of
Narrogin, stumbled upon a great spot just beneath the rock which was alive with
birds, especially the White-browed Babbler which I failed to find in
To be continued.
Geoff. Walker 03 9568 2909 0418 572 922