To continue the thread about breeding times:-
In December last year a pair of Woompoo Fruit Pigeons built a nest. In late
June a pair was heard calling loudly in the vicinity and then one bird went
to the nest and called. The second joined it and there was a bit of moving
around so I am not sure which bird remained. This bird then made strangled
calls and motioned like it was going to vomit for some minutes. Since the
second of July a bird has been on the nest every time I looked. despite the
nest being very thin I cannot see if there is an egg.
Saw a tree-roo at the same site yesterday. Showed it to a good few tourists.
Talk about a busman's holiday! Riflebirds calling and some other the birds
seen include; Grey-headed Robin, Bower's Shrike-thrush, golden Whistler,
Boatbill, White-Throated Treecreeper, and Pied Monarch.
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