What actions would I propose to help stop the
destruction of Little Tern nesting sites Jill Dening ask. One thing that is
needed is for more bird watchers to stop just watching and start becoming
involved in the protection and conservation of this and other species. My
good mate Darryl Mckay is one of a small hand full of people who spend a large
part of his summer spare time traveling up and down the south coast of NSW
banding, recording and observing the Little Terns. We are the people who can
offer hands on observation and protection, sitting at nesting sites to stop
people with their dogs from walking among the nesting Terns. We as bird lovers
should write to government departments to lobby them for funds so that paid
wardens can be placed to watch nesting sites to ensure their protection. More
fox baiting is needed so again more money is needed. Bird clubs should apply for
grants and as a group should make representations to NPWS and other government
departments. There is a lot we can and should do because if we don't than the
Little Tern plus a number of other species that we love to watch will only be
memory. Regards