I heard this joke on the radio today (Canberra's
FM104.7). Sorry I missed who it was telling it. I hope no-one minds it being
passed on like this. I don't think it is quite ornithologically accurate. Goes
something like this:
I am follically challenged. I have a receding hairline. That
is OK except that Magpies love to attack people who are follically challenged. I
was told that if you get a ice cream tub and paint a happy face on the base and
put it upside down on your head, then the Magpies don't attack you. I did it and it works great. Trouble is
that no-one said to empty the ice cream out of the tub first. So I have been
walking around for a week with ice cream dripping down my
back. So although the Magpies don't attack me, it just looks like they