Hi all
After recent reports of great birding around Wymlet
Tank nr Ouyen, Vic, I went for a look on 22-23/9. This is an excellent area of
mallee and the tank had plenty of water from recent rains. I recorded around
50sp in a 10km radius of the tank. Highlights (for me)included Pink Cockatoo
(10), Regent Parrot (5), Mulga Parrot, White-fronted Honeyeater, "yellow-rumped"
Spotted Pardalote, Southern Scrub-robin, Splendid Wren, mallee form of Grey
Currawong, Masked Woodswllow and Crested Bellbird. Best of all were three
separate male Red-lored Whistlers singing that I found along the Honeymoon Hut
track between 6 and 9km west of Wymlet Tank and a Malleefowl near Macarthur
Chris Chafer
Wollongong NSW