Barren Grounds Bird Observatory was established over twenty years ago and
during those years many Sydney birders as well as interstate and international
visitors have enjoyed the friendly relaxed atmosphere that the observatory has
to offer. All this may now be coming to an end, as Birds Australia has now
decided to all but close the observatory, replacing the full time warden with
part time volunteer wardens. It also plans to close the information centre and
shop and ending the courses, which is an interregnal part of Barren Grounds.
Although the observatory has not been financial for the past few years and a
considerable amount is needed to upgrade the facilities at the site, the value
that the observatory has to offer to the birding community, far out ways the
cost. I believe that Barren Grounds has the ability to promote Birds Australia,
bird conservation and bird watching and I believe that it is short sited to
close the observatory, particularly at a time when many bird species around
Australia are in decline. I am fully aware that Birds Australia has limited
financial resources, which must be managed so that all of its projects can be
funded, but surely there must be a way of raising the finance to continue the
observatory. I hope that BA members will not permit this to happen, so send an
email to Birds Australia objecting to their decision.