G'day Aussos'
I am not trying to make a personal attack but at
least rebutting on what 'JAG' had to say about new members.
In JAGs' recent email on *new Members* he suggested
to the group that the webmaster adds another thing to the sign up process of
BA that makes the 'signner upper' provide information on who the person is
and other irrelivant personnal details that birding aus doesn't need to
know,JAG wants the new 'birding aus member' to be on the mail list for a month
and state his or her personal details even though JAG isn't PENN GWYNES' real
name either is PENN GWYNE a real name either.
Now I am trying my best not to be using the act of
Hypocrisy in my email and reminding that some are not.
I will speak no more of this issue.
Kurtis Lindsay
P.S please JAG do not take this as offence but
as a friendly debate :)
(my hardest I try to make my spelling and grammar
perfect but my hardest isn't always good enough) :)