I agree, but the people who really deserve a big hand are the employees of
the government departments who have advocated a stronger stand, and worked
to make this happen, despite all sorts of obstacles and pressures. These
people never get anything but a bagging from the general public and
sometimes from their work colleagues. I take my hat off to these people.
Scott O'Keeffe
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, 25 May 2003 2:10
Cc: Paul Peake
Subject: Queensland land clearing: big win in balance
- a chance for EVERYONE on birding-aus to support
Importance: High
Great news ! As Paul says, public support will help resist
the lobby groups who will try to reduce the restrictions on
land clearing.
Queensland Premier Peter Beattie also deserves support - and
congratulations for the immediate moratorium on clearance
while the decisions are firmed up. Maybe someone can suggest
a contact point.
You can read some news stories about this at:
There is a media release from Dr Kemp at
Michael Norris
PS The federal and Queensland governments are also working
on a partly linked issue of agricultural run-off and the
health of the Great Barrier Reef with a draft protection
plan open for comment until July 14. See
Protection of adjacent wetlands is described in
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