I went to a meeting tonight about a proposed
delevopment at Botany Bay (Penrhyn Estuary) where Port Botany Corp. is proposing
to dredge and fill in 70 hectares of Botany Bay. This proposed delevopment will
encircle Penrhyn Estuary which is the last remaining wader refuge on the
Northern shore of Botany Bay.The Port Botany proposal to construct a container
terminal with containers stacked six high encircling Penrhyn Estuary will
turn this important wader area into nothing more than a giant GPS and this will
mean the end of Penrhyn Estuary. The consultants claim that they will enhance
the environment with board walks and landscaping and that they will remove the
magroves to improve the wader habiatat. The EIS will be released within a few
months so it is up to us to stop this development and help save what little is
left of Botany
Regards Terrill