Birdline Victoria Update for the week ending 23
March 2003 contained the surprising report, for the date, of 47 White-fronted
Terns at Altona, a Bayside suburb SW of Melbourne. On 5 April, David Stickney
and I, and later Chris Tzaros, checked the site and as expected, found up to 36
COMMON TERNS but no White-fronted. The ID of 'commic' terns is easily resolved
by reference to HANZAB.
We did observe what I thought was a much rarer bird
for this site; a SOOTY OYSTERCATCHER. This is not a common bird in Port
Phillip away from Mud Islands especially at the head of the bay just 5 km from
Port Melbourne.
Mike Carter 30 Canadian Bay Road Mt
Eliza VIC 3930 Ph: (03) 9787
7136 Email: