Terry Pacey said:
...Of course, this is all necessary but the old adage of "people who live in
glass houses shouldn't throw stones" applies when we criticise land
clearing. Those who live in tents or bush humpys and don't eat anything but
native foods and walk everywhere are exempt.
Well, actually, if the tents are canvas, this is cotton. Cotton is one of
the more environmentally destructive crops, requiring land and large inputs
of water, fertilisers, and pesticides. We are all part of the problem. How
do we ensure that we all become responsible?
And can you imagine the impact, if ten million Australians suddenly
descended on the bush and began scouring the joint for everything native and
Trying to decide who to 'blame' is a waste of time. So, people who live in
... anything.. shouldnt throw stones.
Scott O'Keeffe
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Terry Pacey
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2003 8:02
Cc: Birding-aus
Subject: RE: War on the environment nears crisis
Graham, you said:
"Besides, why not look at the real issues behind declining bird abundances /
species, namely clearing for agriculture, to grow crops, that we all
I am afraid you neglected one of the greatest reasons for land clearing,
namely the construction of housing estates and roads, etc. Then, of course,
most of those who live in the houses plant lawns and formal gardens. I
wonder where all the timber for house frames, etc comes from? If it is not
native timber then we are contributing to the destruction of forests in
other countries.
Of course, this is all necessary but the old adage of "people who live in
glass houses shouldn't throw stones" applies when we criticise land
clearing. Those who live in tents or bush humpys and don't eat anything but
native foods and walk everywhere are exempt.
Terry Pacey
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