Maybe it was stock footage then! ... but it was apparently
taken yesterday (not the weekend), and Steve Clark tells me he saw them
too. According to the TV newsreader!! ... the sky cleared late yesterday
with the easterly wind. I definitely saw an upturned anvil shaped
thunderhead and about half a dozen swifts - definitely not sticks or leaves -
the camera close up was slightly fuzzy but reasonably good for an
================================= Lawrie Conole Senior
Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd. Flora and Fauna
Consultants 88B Station Street FAIRFIELD VIC 3078 Australia E-mail:
Internet: Ph:
(03) 9489 4191; Mob: (0419) 588 993 Fax: (03) 9481 7679 ABN 83 006 757
NOTE: This message may contain privileged and/or confidential
information intended for addressees only. Please do not copy or forward
without permission.
Hi Lawrie,
No thunder clouds here!
The sky was dark from smoke and ash. Not putting down Lawrie's id abilities.
For a while, about 20 minutes before it got really bad at home, I was fairly
sure I saw White-throated Needletails in the sky (not that I could see much).
I went and got my binoculars so that I could check and put them on my GBS
chart and then noticed it wasn't birds at all, just high flying swirling
leaves and sticks looking like a flock of swifts. My neighbour, a retired
professional forester, pointed out leaves from Eucalyptus fastigata
blown into the garden and they don't exist within many km from
Does anyone need any proof that birdos are
-----Original Message----- From:
Lawrie Conole <> To:
<> Date:
Wednesday, 22 January 2003 10:16 Subject: [BIRDING-AUS]
Canberra fires & needletails
Watching one of the TV news services last night (ABC or SBS I
seem to recall) and coverage of the Canberra fires. In one sequence
of footage, thunder clouds were shown associated with the change, and
ever so briefly the camera zoomed in on birds in the foreground - they
looked like swifts - White-throated Needletails perhaps?? Did
anyone else see it, or was I having pre-bedtime
================================= Lawrie
Conole Senior Ecologist
Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd. Flora and
Fauna Consultants 88B Station Street FAIRFIELD VIC 3078
Australia E-mail: Internet: Ph:
(03) 9489 4191; Mob: (0419) 588 993 Fax: (03) 9481 7679 ABN 83 006 757