Dear all
Had a short walk (more accurately a 3 hrs amble)
today up the track past the old gold mine at Copeland State Forest, nw of
Gloucester. There were good numbers of Black-faced Monarchs and Rufous Fantails;
also a large flock (20-30) Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, and good sightings
2 Wompoo Pigeons, 2 Catbirds and a pair of Regent
Bowerbirds in the second (higher up the track) of the two tall fig trees,
which was fruiting well. The 1st tree has fruit but not yet ripe.
Also saw a Pale Yellow Robin as well as several
E.Yellows (one fledgling). S.Lyrebirds, Brown Pigeons and Wongas
Rainforest making quick recovery from the drought -
moss all bright green and new leaves everywhere.
Happy New Year to all.