I don't see what the spelling of his or her name
has to do with it. Anyone on email can be a phantom name. I suspect the
observation is a nonsense from someone trying to push a worn-out point. Probably just a bird standing on one foot. Though I take the point about concern about putting
coloured leg flags on birds such as Phalaropes that swim a lot, as it could
attract fish predators. Would someone who actually knows something about that,
care to comment on that aspect. As in are leg flags put on Phalaropes and if
they are, what is the point, as we could hardly see them? Apart from the fact
that likely most of us (myself included) have never even seen
a Phalarope.
Besides, there is no such place as "Carnigie" in the Australian
postcode book. Also the plural of Bennet is Bennets (not Bennet's), regardless
of how many Ts are in the name.
-----Original Message----- From:
Tim Dolby <> To:
<> Cc:
<> Date:
Tuesday, 19 November 2002 14:28 Subject: [BIRDING-AUS] Legless
Curlew Sandpipers?
I hate to get involved with this, but
a very good question Andrew - and a fraud well spotted! Oh dear.
For example, Bennet with one 't' is extremely unusual, and there's
certainly no listing in the whitepages of any Bennet's living in Carnigie.
>>> "Andrew Stafford" <>
11/19/02 01:04PM >>> A question that keeps nagging at
If Kym Bennet with one T is out in the field long enough to
observe freaks of nature like legless sandpipers - a genuine rarity, I
must remember to put this one in Twitcher's Corner - presumably she must
occasionally bump into other birders on her travels.
My question
is, are there any other birders on birding-aus - other than Marilyn Davis
et al - who have actually met this person and can confirm she is for real
(literally and metaphorically)?