G'day John,
There is (was?) a publishing company called Whitcombe and Tombs which
operates(ed) out of New Zealand and Australia I think, and was certainly
involved in publishing natural history stuff. Try that in your search
engines. I did and got lots of hits but don't have time to look through
them fully...
>G'day All,
>Can anyone shed some light on the possible date and anymore info they
>might have on this complete set of "Whitcombe's Bird Pictures" I've just
>been given.
>16 sheets of full colour plates illustrating 223 birds that are found in
>Label is difficult to read but I think? Whitcombe & T???? Pty Ltd ....
>Melbourne Sydney Perth and Geelong ....
>I've had no luck so far using most of the popular internet search engines?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated, kind regards from John A. Gamblin
>Do you Yahoo!? New <http://rd.yahoo.com/evt=1207/*http://sbc.yahoo.com/>
>DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
Dr Harvey D. Perkins
School of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
ph +61 2 6125 2693; fax:+61 2 6125 0313
Pest Animal Control Cooperative Research Centre
Editor, Canberra Bird Notes
Journal of the Canberra Ornithologists Group
42 Summerland Circuit, Kambah, ACT 2902
Ph: (02) 6231 8209 mobile: 043 886 9990
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