g'day all,
On 8/7/2002 at 5.00pm a local resident Judy Cooper, identified
a Pacific Baza alongside the 8th fairway of our local Golf
Judy knew the bird as a Crested Hawk from when she often saw
them at Herberton on the Atherton Tablelands.
The BOCA "The Bird Observer" No.716, Jan/Feb 1992 records that
"David Thomas photographed a Pacific Baza at Lake Moondarra,
Mt Isa, Qld (7.8.85)
So there is another bird I have to see for my local list
When Jim & Linda Davis were here (after the mandatory 1/2
hour sit watching a variety of birds drinking + in the distance 2
Australian Bustards walking majestically through a herd of
cattle) I showed them the remains of a White-bellied Sea-Eagles
nest. I am still amazed at the size/weight of sticks that these birds can pick
up for their nest !
There were 5 turtle carapaces (shells) on the ground under the
nest. The carcases ranged in size from 12cm to 25cm in
On my previous visit, 2 of the biggest carcases were still
hanging on the side of the collapsing nest. I will ask the local Nat Parks chaps
to ID the Turtles.
Hanzab V2. p85 states the W-b S-E "Carnivorous
opportunistic. Birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, crustaceans and
A week previously, I saw a pair of adult
birds flying along the shoreline at the NW corner of Lake
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW Qld.