> The only record I have of Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo feeding on the ground
> was an observation made on the 14/10/00 of a single bird ' foraging on the
> ground for approx. 2 min before returning to roadside trees to continue
> foraging '. This was on Golds Scrub Lane, Samsonvale, SEQld.
Seeing Gavin's reply caused me to read the original posting. I recall seeing
seven Horsefield's Bronze-Cuckoos feeding on the ground one August a few
years ago on the Morney Plain, Birdsville Track, about 135km west of
Windorah, SWQld. It was near an ephemeral watercourse. I recall that there
seemed to be more than feeding taking place. I thought at the time that
there could be some kind of pre-breeding gathering taking place, but I never
followed up on it. It might have been nothing of the kind. I am fuzzy on
detail so long after the event.
Jill Dening
Sunshine Coast, Qld
26º 51' 152º 56'
Ph (07) 5494 0994
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