
"Hunting is harming tourism"-A.D.

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: "Hunting is harming tourism"-A.D.
From: "david camilleri" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:22:28 -0400
Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party
Nifs Gdid-Nifs Nadif
149,Archbishop street,
tel no : 21255330
Media Release 16-06-2002
"Hunting is harming tourism"-A.D.
Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party expressed its satisfaction that the chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority chairman John Grech has recognized that the problem of illegal hunting had reached "epidemic" proportions and was one of the factors dealing a blow to Malta's most important industry - tourism. The Green Party has long insisted that hunting and other environmental problems are detrimental to our tourist industry and that the government is not doing enough to address these problems.
AD's spokesperson for Tourism and Civil Society Michael Briguglio said:
"The abolition of hunting in Spring and the enforcement of hunting regulations throughout the year would be a step in the right direction. As long as there is no control on hunting Malta will remain a no go destination in the eyes of many potential tourists who respect the environment and animal rights",  The Green Party is also satisfied that the MTA chairman has also recognized the risks posed by  fish farms and tuna pens.  The MTA chairman has criticised the location of fish farms and tuna pens, being too close to beaches. Briguglio added that:
"AD has been the only party to consistently oppose this development.  Unfortunately  the MLP and PN representatives on the Planning Authority Board  had  voted in favour of the permit given to the controversial Azzopardi Fisheries tuna pens in St Paul's Bay last year. A number of other permits were also approved over the past years. Tuna pens and fish farms are also having a negative impact on diving clubs which are an integral part of our tourist industry", continued Michael Briguglio. The Green Party's spokesperson  called for stricter enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. Michael Briguglio insisted that:
"The lack of enforcement in such matters like illegal hunting, littering and illegal buildings, is earning us  the reputation of  an unreliable country where regulations are not enforced and respected. This drives out potential investment  because investors perceive Malta as an  unreliable country in which to do business in".
In order to improve enforcement AD has for the past years called for the introduction of Green Wardens. Michael Briguglio affirmed that:

"The tourist sector needs a breath of fresh and clean air. We congratulate the Malta Tourist Authority for realizing that that tourism and the environment are interdependent.  On the other hand we are disappointed that in  the international year dedicated to eco tourism, the government is not doing enough to promote Malta as a serious and environmentally friendly destination. The development of eco tourism will also help Malta recover from the post 11 th September crisis as it will attract tourists throughout the year and not just in the peak season. Unfortunately in many ways Malta is still a banana republic where arrogant lobby groups dictate over the rest of the community".
James Debono
Media Officer

Stqarrija Media 16/06/2002
"Il-kacca  taghmel hsara lit-turizmu"-AD
Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party esprimiet is-sodisfazzjon taghha li c-Chairman tal- Malta Tourism Authority John Grech irrikonoxxa li l-problema tal-kacca illegali tant zdiedet li saret qiesa epidemija b'mod li qed taghmel hsara enormi lill-aktar industrija imprtanti ta'pajjizna-t-turizmu. AD ilha s-snin tinsisti li l-kacca  u l-qirda ambjentali huma tehdida serja ghat-turizmu. Minn naha l-ohra l-AD tinnota li l-gvern mhux qed jaghmel bizzejjed f'dan is-settur.
"L-AD tinsisti li l-abolizzjoni tal-Kacca fir-Rebbiegha u l-enforzar tar-regoli tal-kacca ikunu passi fid-direzzjoni t-tajba. Sakemm il-kacca ma tigix ikkontrollata Malta se tibqa' titqies bhala pajjiz tal-misthija f'ghajnejn hafna turisti potenzjali li jirrispettaw l-ambjent u d-drittijiet tal-annimali", sostna l-Kelliem tal-AD ghat-Turizmu u s-Socjeta Civili Michael Briguglio. L-AD esprimiet is-sodisfazzjon taghha li c-Chairman tal-MTA iddikjara li l-postijiet maghzula biex fihom isir zvilupp ta'fish farms u tuna pens huma wisq vicin  il-bajjiet. Michael Briguglio sostna li:
"Fil-fatt l-AD dejjem hadmet biex zvilupp simili ma jsirx.  Sfortunatament r-rapprezentanti tal  MLP u l- PN  fuq il-Bord tal-Awtorita tal-Ippjannar kienu ivvutaw favur li jinghata permess lill-Azzopardi Fisheries biex jizviluppaw tuna pens f'San Pawl il-Bahar, sena ilu. Aktar permesi kienu gew approvati tul l-ahhar snin. Dan l-izvilupp qed ukoll jolqot hazin lill-clubs tal-ghaddasa li huma parti integrali mill-industrija tat-turizmu f'pajjizna". Il-Kelliem tal-AD sejjah ghall-enforzar strett tal-ligijiet u r-regolamenti ambjentali.  Huwa zied jghid li:
"In-nuqqas ta' enforzar tal-ligi f'oqsma bhall-kacca illegali,  rimi ta'skart fil-kampanja u bini illegali fil-kampanja u mal-kosta, qed iwasslu biex Malta jkollha reputazzjoni ta' pajjiz li ma tistghax toqghod fuqu fejn il-ligijiet ma jigux enforzati u obduti.  Dan kollhu jgerrex l-investiment ghax l-investituri jhossu li Malta mhix l-ahjar pajjiz fejn isir in-negozzju".
Fil-qasam tal-enforzar l-AD qed tipproponi wkoll l-introduzzjoni ta'wardens ambjentali.
Il-Kelliem tal-AD Michael Briguglio sostna li:

"Is-settur turistiku ghandu bzonn nifs gdid u nadif biex jirkupra. Fis-sena internazzjonali dedikata lill-ekoturizmu, il-gvern mhux qed jaghmel bizzejjed biex jippromwovi lill-Malta bhala destinazzjoni serja fejn l-ambjent hu rispettat. L-izvilupp tal-ekoturizmu jghin ukoll biex pajjizna jirkupra mill-kriza ta' wara l-11 ta'Settembru u jghin biex in-numru ta'turisti jizdied fix-xhur kollha tas-sena. Sfortunatament f'hafna oqsma Malta ghada republika tal-banana fejn certi gruppi ta' nies prepotenti bhall-kacacturi ihossu li jistghu jiddettaw fuq il-bqija tal-kommunita"
James Debono
Media Officer



Nifs Gdid, Nifs Nadif




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