You asked Has anyone else noticed this
difference in behaviour between male and female Golden
The answer is Yes.
See the article: Bell, H.L. 1986,
‘Sexual differences in the behaviour of wintering Golden Whistlers
Pachycephala pectoralis at Wollomombi, N.S.W.’, Emu 86:
My "Canberra Birds: A Report
on the first 18 years of the Garden Bird Survey" also describes this
aspect, based on over 1000 observer years of data over an 18 year period.
-----Original Message----- From:
Anthony Katon <> To:
<> Date:
Sunday, 16 June 2002 19:57 Subject: [BIRDING-AUS] Golden
Hello all,
I often go birding at Long Point, Macquarie
Fields and most of the time lately I see female Golden Whistlers but only
occasionally see the Male. I have notice that the male Golden
Whistler seems to be a lot shyer and tends to stay higher in the trees
than the female. The female can often be seen very low down in the trees and
sometimes on the forest floor and has been as close as a few metres from me.
Has anyone else noticed this difference in behaviour between male and female
Golden Whistlers.