Hi Birders,
It was good to read about the Swift
Parrots in South Australia and in Queensland but I would not be betting on the
Central Coast Swift Parrots moving up the coast to Queensland as they seem to be
staying put. First reported from Wyee Point on 14 May, today the 40+ present in
the village are still obvious, particularly in Bay, Railway and Lake
Furthermore the 200-300 Swift Parrots
around Bateau Bay East, first reported 18 May, are still present, feeding over
an area of 2 km x 1 km, and roosting at night usually in Wyrrabalong NP near
Murray Street. Best locations are Sutton Reserve and cnr Lakin St & Patstone
Sts. The 60+ reported from Budgewoi Shopping complex on 27 May, were still
present today and birds could still be found at Wyongah yesterday. Additional
sites now include 10+ Porters Ck, just west of Wyong and 5+ Galgaba Point
Reserve, South Swansea today. I have received no further reportds from
The Regent Honeyeaters are being more difficult to
find. Four were present at Wyee Point west yesterday but none could be located
at Galgaba Point, South Swansea today. Regents have not been reported so far
from either Gosford or Wyong LGA.
Alan Morris
Central Coast Regent Honeyeater Volunteer
Operations Group