Hi All,
Does anyone know if there are confirmed sightings
of Glossy Black-Cockatoo feeding on the cones of River Oak (A.
I have never seen Glossies feeding on River
Oak cones, and yesterday while standing beneath a stand of River Oak near the
bottom of Pandora's Pass (near Coolah Tops National Park, c/w NSW) I was
surprised to feel bits of cone dropping on my head.
When I looked up I saw a Crimson Rosella getting
stuck into the cones. (Using it's left foot too!)
I'm particularly interested in knowing if there are
records of Glossies eating seeds of River Oak because the cones AND seeds are so
tiny that I wonder if the energy input:output ratio would make it an undesirable
food choice for a parrot of that size.
In Goonoo State Forest (about 40 kms n/e of Dubbo
in central western NSW) Glossies feed on Allocasuarina diminuta which has cones
of only 1cm length, but the seeds of these are at least twice as big as those of
River Oak.
Another interesting sighting yesterday was of
a group of three Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo feeding on the seeds of
Black Wattle (A. melanoxylon) in the Coolah Tops N.P.
Regards, Judie Peet (Dubbo NSW)
(The only thing certain about bird watching is that
nothing's certain!)