Dear Brider:
It has taken the tragic and very public slaying of eight Mute Swans - in
of innocent children - to finally arouse widespread local disgust and
unite many Maltese in condemnation of the barbaric extent to which
hunters on Malta will go.
Swans, with their pure white colouring, gracefulness and highly visible
social and family characteristics have been afforded a degree of
protection by man long before environmental consciousness began to
develop in our societies. They have played a number of important roles
in mythology and in varying cultural forms; their latest role is as
martyr for the cause of bird protection on Malta.
It would be foolish not to use this sad event to the full by publicly
condemning this and other massacres of birds on the island.
Let's keep it simple, fast and hopefully effective. The whole story and
all recent press articles can now be read in the most recent entries at
< >
Write a short and snappy article to either of the main newspapers;
and/or to the President of Malta at the following mail addresses:
Editor, Malta Independent
Editor, Times of Malta:
President, Prof. Guido de Marco
Suggested Content:
- Condemn this particularly brutal and unnecessary killing.
- Call for heavier penalties, including custodial sentences for illegal
hunting and trapping.
- Urge that police material and manpower resources be increased to
tackle the problem.
- Insist that a hard-hitting and consistent policy be implemented
against this barbaric and outmoded 'sport'
- Such bad publicity will hit tourism hard
If English is not your mother language - write in your own.
If you have time copy your protests to BirdlifeÊ Malta
or Proact
for documentation and evaluation
Pass the message to mailing lists, colleagues and friends.
Strike while the iron is hot. Thanks for taking up your time.
David Conlin
Proact ta' 'KullPajjiz' - nahdmu ghall-ghasafar u l-abitat taghhom .....
qabel isir tard wisq zgur (Malti)
David Conlin
Proact, campaigning for birds and their habitats ..... before it's too
david camilleri
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