Last night and a week ago, I made a few hours of spotlighting in the above
place (which is approx. 35km north-west of Sydney).
On 11/1/02, had great views of a pair of Powerful Owls (between 10 and 11
pm) in the North Rocks end of the reserve. One of the Owls was begging to
the adult. I was also suprised to be able to hear the Owls wings flapping
before I first noticed them at night (not so silent predators!). Also saw
one of these Owls or pehaps another roosting in rainforest along Darling
Mills Creek before dusk A Boobook Owl was also heard at night along this
Creek and I also heard Leaf Green Tree Frogs (Litoria phyllochroa), Striped
Marsh Frogs (Limnodynastes peronii) and Common Eastern Froglets (Crinea
signifera) there as well.
On 4/1/02, heard a White-throated Nightjar call a few times from the
Baulkham Hills end of Ecelsior Park (near Ted Horward Reserve), where I also
found a Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko and a Weasal Skink.
On both nights I also saw a good number of both Sugar Gliders and Common
Ringtail Possums, some were quite close to the Powerful Owls.
Edwin Vella
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