To those interested in WTNTs.
I have seen very few so far this summer.
One seen on 29 Dec 2001 in (above) Toolangi State Forest approx 70 km
ENE of Melbourne at 37 32 03 s, 145 36 12 e at 1700 hrs (Victorian
daylight saving time). The weather was calm, warm and humid with
cloud. The bird was flying more or less north and disappeared quickly.
Four seen on 5 Jan 2001 over Yarra Ranges National Park approx 60 km ENE
of Melbourne at 37 42 16 s, 145 34 01 e at 1905 hrs (Vic daylight saving
time). It was a mild day with light wind at tree top level but there
was a small amount of high cloud that was moving past rather fast. The
birds were flying very high, mostly above about 6 Tree Martins. I only
saw the needletails for a few minutes, but the Tree Martins continued to
fly about for longer. Only one of the WTNTs was low enough for me to
see without using binoculars.
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