I have just come back from a fulfilling 4 days of birding on the South West
Slopes and the Murray River regions. I will try not to bore you with
everything I saw, just detail the highlights for me. If anyone would like a
full list for any area please let me know.
For those not willing to read the text below: Major highlights were the
many Painted Honeyeaters and Black-chinned Honeyeaters at Migurra Reserve,
a single Black Kite with prey at Mulwala State Forest (my first ever
sighting), some 6 Black-tailed Native-hens at Wonga Wetlands, a frenzy at
the entrance to Woormagama National Park including 6 species of Honeyeater
and at least 30 Little Lorikeets, but most probably many more, feeding in
flowering Box, and some 5 Turquoise Parrots seen in Livingstone National
Park and adjacent Reserve.
Friday, 9 November
Could not gain access to Ulandra Nature Reserve south of Bethungra. Does
anyone know if there is public access to this reserve? Did find a recently
deceased Lace Monitor, almost 2.5 metres long, near a Travelling Stock
Reserve to west.
Migurra Reserve and yes the Painted Honeyeaters are still there! I heard
their calls as soon as I stepped out of the car. Also present were
Black-chinned Honeyeater being harassed by local White-plumed Honeyeaters,
White-browed Babbler, Diamond Firetail pair building nest, Yellow-tufted
Honeyeater, Brown Falcon, and a Little Eagle displaying in undulating
Superb Parrots seen at various locations: 10 km S of Cootamundra (1),
Coolac (1), Gundagai (2).
Area around Bethungra town yielded Pied Butcherbird, Crested Shrike-tit and
Rainbow Bee-eater among others.
Bethungra Dam Reserve had many common waterbirds, no less than 12 Darter
and an immature Swamp Harrier.
Saturday, 10 November
Livingstone National Park: White-browed Babbler, Turquoise Parrot (2
pairs), White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike (2), Yellow-tufted Honeyeater, Sacred
Kingfisher, Olive-backed Oriole, Brown Treecreeper, Crested Shrike-tit (1).
Just outside the park boundary in grassland were Southern Whiteface and
Diamond Firetail. I do find it strange that a Shooter's Association Firing
Range borders the national park only metres from where I saw most of these
Livingstone Reserve (although sign still reads Livingstone State Forest):
Along Grass Tree Road found Turquoise Parrot (1 male), Crested Shrike-tit
(1), Brown Treecreeper, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Brown-headed Honeyeater, and
Speckled Warbler.
Found a small roadside 'protected remnant vegetation area' called Birdlip
Reserve, but no birdlife.
The Rock Nature Reserve: Many Red-capped Robins (including 3 males), Hooded
Robin (1 male), Brown Treecreeper, Rainbow Bee-eater, Restless Flycatcher,
White-browed Babbler, Apostlebirds, Jacky Winter, Little Raven(?).
Further sightings include a pair of Cockatiels, Apostlebirds and a Diamond
Firetail at Galore Hill Scenic Reserve, a Whistling Kite at Mungabareena
Lagoon Reserve (Albury), a Pied Butcherbird near Culcairn, and Apostlebirds
near Lockhart.
Sunday, 11 November
Wonga Wetlands: White-bellied Sea-Eagle (2 adults), Whistling Kite (2),
Black-tailed Native-hen (at least 6), Black-winged Stilt (1), Black-fronted
Dotterel (2), Little Grassbird (1), Australian Shelduck (12), Little Egret
Almost every site I visited along the Murray had Rainbow Bee-eaters, Sacred
Kingfishers and Brown Treecreepers present.
Collendrina State Forest (Corowa): Whistling Kite.
Mulwala & Boomanoomana State Forests: Peaceful Dove, Black Kite, and a Sand
Monitor at least 1.5 metres in length.
Lake Mulwala: many common waterbirds.
Barooga State Forest on Murray River: Restless Flycatcher, Little Friarbird
and Dollarbird.
Lower Ovens Regional Park (VIC): Little Friarbird.
I couldn't resist re-visiting Chiltern Box-Ironbark National Park (VIC). At
Honeyeater Picnic Area/Cyanide Dam between hail showers I managed to see
Black-chinned Honeyeaters (4) drinking and being haranged by Yellow-tufted
Honeyeaters this time. Also a lone White Ibis, Pacific Heron (1),
Olive-backed Oriole, Crested Shrike-tit (2), and Brown Treecreeper.
At the Chiltern Park Rest Area at the dam there were White-browed Babbler
and Painted Button-quail (2).
Monday, 12 November
The Mullengandra area had Shelduck (1), Whistling Kite (2), Black-fronted
Woomargama National Park: Many birds including Little Lorikeet (30+),
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo and Gang-gang Cockatoo (2).
Pulletop State Forest/Nest Hill: Brown Treecreeper, Restless Flycatcher,
Jacky Winter (2), Little Friarbird, Rainbow Bee-eater, and Apostlebirds and
a Grey Butcherbird along roadside.
Ironbark area off Hume Highway near Tarcutta had Crested Shrike-tit (2),
Jacky Winter (1 adult plus a juvenile), Rainbow Bee-eater, Sacred
Kingfisher, Brown Treecreeper.
Minjary area on Tumut Road yielded Double-barred Finches among others.
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