Just back from 4 days spent in Hattah Kulkyne NP
(NW Victoria). Springtime is wonderful in this area, although weather
provided some wind and showers. Many trees in flower and many, many
wildflowers out. 82 species in total, 41 species in 500m atlas around
Lake Hattah.
Failed on 2 key species, Mallee Emu-Wren and
Striated Grasswren despite several hours in several likely locations. Had
fun trying to follow Michael Hunter's directions - tried 9.6 km from a couple of
locations at least twice each. Believe his spot is close to Thomas &
Thomas "beesite 8" location where we also searched but missed out. Ticked
Shy Hylacola, immediately opposite entrance to H-K NP road on
the Hattah-Robinvale road.
Other interesting observations:
Hundreds (at least 300, probably more than 500)
Black-tailed Native Hen around Lake Hattah (KFC would be
stocked for weeks!!!)
Many, many (perhaps 200 - 300 in total)
Woodswallows at a number of locations around the Park - Dusky,
Masked and White-Browed
Yellow-plumed HE all over the
place - few other HE's - Striped, Spiny-cheeked, Blue-faced, Red Wattlebird and
Peregrine Falcon over the Murray
River at the Eastern edge of the Park
Splendid, Variegated and Superb Fairy-wrens
- all in full colour
Many sightings of Regent Parrots
in groups from 2 to 10. Beautiful, elegant bird!
Several sightings of Mulga Parrots
and Mallee Ringnecks
Great-crested Grebe and
Pink-eared Ducks on Lake Hattah
Apostlebirds and WW
Choughs both tame (hand-feeding) in Lake Hattah campground. Choughs
with 3 chicks in nest above our heads.
Few Raptors - 1 Sea Eagle over Lake Hattah,
Whistling Kites only over Murray River, single Peregrine F, no Black Kites, no
WT Eagles, only one Kestrel sighting and 2 BS Kite sightings
A few days earlier, we checked out a small park on
the main Adelaide - Sydney Highway in the town of Buronga (just over the Murray
from Mildura). This park has a small, reed-covered & fringed
lake. Spotted a single Baillon's Crake which obliged by
wandering in and out of the sunlight for a good 10 minutes only 15 metres from
where we sat. B-doubles rumbling past the whole time!!.
Bob & Sadhana Cook
NW Victoria