Hi there,
The gremlins have been having a field day with us and we have been
experiencing a number of technical difficulties with our website as well as
our email addresses in the last few days. If anyone has
tried to get through to us via these email addresses to discuss the possible
Heuglin's Gull in the eastern Cape or to want to book for a trip or for any
other reason, and we have not responded back to you within two days of your
email being sent, it probably means that we have never received your email
and it got lost somewhere in cyberspace!!! We do already know of a number of
email messages sent to us that have gone missing.
We are trying to resolve this problem as quickly as possible, but if there
are any of you out there that have been trying to get hold of us, please
forward your messages either to me at or
or to John Graham at It's amazing how
much one relies on a computer and when something goes wrong, it can cause
real chaos...
Nevertheless, the messages on the gull that have managed to get through so
far have all pointed towards it almost certainly being a Heuglin's Gull. If
you agree (or have a different opinion), please let us know. The photos are
still available under "Recent Rarities" on our website at
Sorry for any possible inconvenience that may have been caused due to our
technical problems and we look forward to hearing back from more of the gull
experts out there.
Kind Regards
Trevor Hardaker and John Graham
Cape Town, South Africa
Website: http://www.zestforbirds.co.za
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