Iceland - The Critical Stage
Sample letter below
After intensive discussions with the Iceland Nature Conservation Assocation
(INCA) the Norwegian firm NORSK HYDRO has been identified as the most
important target. If we can get them to withdraw from the project everything
else will follow. Your letters have generated great interest in the
Icelandic and Norwegian media. We have drafted a new letter, on a separate
Please go there now - mail Norsk Hydro - and copy to as many of the media
links as you can! And forward widely.
We will report results as we hear them.
email to Norsk Hydro: < >
and copy please to...PROACT: < >
Cut and Paste from here
The Managing Director
Mr. Eyvind Reiten
Norsk Hydro ASA
N-0240 Oslo
Dear Sir,
As you will now undoubtedly have been informed by your experts, the
Icelandic Planning Agency issued a very clear ruling against the
Krahnjkavirkjun hydroelectric project on the 1st of August 2001.
This 750 MW hydroelectric project was proposed to be built north of the
Vatnajoekull Glacier to provide energy for the planned Reydaral aluminium
smelter with joint Norsk Hydro and Icelandic ownership (the so-called Noral
Project). The ruling could not have been more unambiguous in terms of its
arguments and conclusion - the project should NOT go ahead at all! The
enormous and irreversible impact it would have on Iceland's and Europe's
largest remaining wilderness area is unacceptable.
In addition the Planning Agency pointed out,
"... that the data that have been presented are not sufficiently full
regarding all the main parts of the proposed development project in
connection with the Krahnjkar Power Plant so as to make it possible to form
an idea of their extent."
Your staff will be carrying out an internal appraisal of the report on the
implications for Norsk Hydro. They should not leave informed public opinion
out of account in their analysis. It is not only clear to professional
environmentalists and conservationists that the project must be abandoned;
an increasing number of ordinary people, with concern for the preservation
of the ever-dwindling unspoilt natural resources worldwide, are mobilising.
We, the undersigned, belong to this category of concerned world citizens and
are busy recruiting as many more as we can.
You must also be aware that Iceland's prime minister, foreign minister and
minister for industry have not only attacked the ruling by the Planning
Agency; but also the integrity of its staff. Lots of Icelanders, as well as
ourselves, will be asking if this is 'democracy at work'; at the very least
it is a classic sign of political disunity and miscalculation.
By remaining silent on the matter, Norsk Hydro in effect condones such
practices - this could be interpreted by some as an unwarranted intrusion
into internal Icelandic politics.
Given the above, it is difficult to see how Norsk Hydro can justify its
further participation in the Noral Project. Our advice, and expectation, is
that your company withdraws from the project immediately. We urge you to
accept the conclusions and ruling of the EPA report. If you now inform the
Icelandic government and Landsvirkjun (the national Power Company) that you
are withdrawing from the project this will make any further action on their
part superfluous.
In your loss/gain column do not forget to add your contribution to the
future of the natural beauty, the variety of species and stable environment
of Iceland. It will be appreciated everywhere and will be of considerable
benefit to your corporate image.
We want to help preserve a part of what little is left of the once diverse
European landscape for future generations. Here is your chance to help.
Trusting that you will reach a decision which will give us all grounds for
celebration, we remain,
yours sincerely
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