g'day all,
As there still appears to be interest in this thread
here are more Web Pages that are very readable...
The first 3 are from the proceedings of various Urban
Animal Management Conferences.
A Model for Cat Control
Ric Nattrass - Queensland National Parks & Wildlife
The Threat Abatement Plan for feral cats: implications for
domestic cats
Dr David Carter - Feral Pests Program, Australian Nature
Conservation Agency
Do Cats Impact on Wildlife ?
Dr Chris Tidemann - School of Resource and
Environmental Management, ANU
Other similiar Web Pages can be located by opening the
following page from
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA)
and using the Search Words "Feral Cat"
and the last one is from
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW Qld.
ps I still cannot relocate the web page that provided feral
cat weights