
Albert Park - Melbourne

To: "Birding-aus" <>
Subject: Albert Park - Melbourne
From: "Bob&Sadhana" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 19:26:01 +1000
Following on from recent postings re Crested Pigeons, I saw one pair and another group of 3 on the Albert Pake Golf Course yesterday.  This is only about 3 km from Melbourne CBD.  Maybe they are winning their spot in the inner urban landscape.
Also interesting on the golf course was a Barn Owl.  It was flushed out of a large pine tree by a couple of Magpie Larks, moved to another nearby tree then again flew off across the course as our group approached within 10 metres of the tree. 
It is nice to see these birds so close to the City.
Bob Cook
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  • Albert Park - Melbourne, Bob&Sadhana <=

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