G'day everyone,
as you can see I have been back out to Toonpan, this time we saw about 50
Plum-heads a dozen or so White-rumped Swiftlets and lo and behold 3 Latham's
Snipe. Plum-heads were previously seen on 15-7-98. Pink-eared Ducks that I
mentioned in the last email had last been recorded on 6-9-99 and there was 80+
at that time. A Grey Butcherbird was also seen I only have one other record for
that on 9-3-99. Also back were Rufous Songlark and Red-backed
Of other interest; While out on a morning walk
along the river I spotted 6 Long-billed Corellas feeding with lots of Little
Corellas. These were first bought to my attention on 12-7-98 and there were six
then. I think that there may have been another couple but as I had no binos and
didn't make the effort to walk up the hill I can't be sure.