G'day All,
Sorry for this rushed out email but I'm up to my
veritable feathered armpits doing all I can to point
out the insanity about even trialing the fast "CAT" TT
lines service in Western Port bay. It's not only
lunacy due to more then possible penguin strike
victims and many other sea-birds being hit but it
would appear that Western Port bay is also a maternity
ward? for want of a better description? for the
"Southern Right Whale".
I've sent emails to TT lines, many in fact, not one
bounced, but so far not even a solitary reply to my
question about the speed of the craft whilst it
traverses from Tasmania to Victoria? especially at
either end of it's trip?
Could someone? if not all please scream at the Rt.
Hon. Senator Robert Hill for me please ....... this
really is absolute madness to plan to murder our birds
and mammals.
I've also added the below for your perusal.
John A. Gamblin
An updated conservation strategy for Asia-Pacific
migratory water birds to cover 2001 - 2005 has been
released by the Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird
Conservation Committee (MWCC), of which Australia is a
member. The strategy sets out a number of practical
targets for the five-year period, including
implementing Action Plans for three species-groups in
the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, selected globally
threatened species, and the Central Asian-Indian
Flyway; establishing effective networks of sites in
flyways to conserve migratory waterbirds and their
important habitats; and improved capacity of
governments and NGOs to sustainably manage waterbirds
and wetlands primarily by providing training to
managers of important sites. The strategy can be
downloaded at
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