Hi Bill and BA'ers
Had similar views of a grey phase Grey Goshawk recently
towards Goomburra SF in SE Q'ld. It actually perched about 20 metres from
us giving us great views through the binos. Another birding trip two weeks
ago also yielded good BOP's. We went towards Warwick and saw plenty of
Nankeen Kestrels and Black-shouldered Kites as
we got towards Cunningham's Gap. Just over the range we saw a pair of
Wedgies soaring magnificently above us for about 15
minutes. As we headed north-east towards Billy Jolly territory, we had a
Brown Falcon sitting on roadside powerlines - did not fly even
when we stopped. Near Jahnke's Lagoon it was overload for our English
guest. A few Whistling Kites then a Spotted
Harrier doing the usual harriering about 2 metres above the
ground. As we drove a few 100 metres down the road we saw an
Australian Hobby on the wires so did a U-turn for a better
look. Just past the Hobby circling around was a Black Falcon,
a nice way to finish the day's raptors off.
I can't boast a Grey Gossie at home here in suburban
Nundah in Brisbane but have had an immature Brown Gossie the last couple of
This afternoon about 3.30pm we had about 50 Rainbow
Bee-eaters circling overhead but heading generally south, not north to the